Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Local "Beer"

Yesterday we visited several well projects north of Gondar. Azaikow Village #1 is incredibly beautiful and there’s one family there that is very kind to us. The last time we visited they gave us fresh corn and cheese. Yesterday, they gave us local “beer” called tella, which people that live in the countryside typically drink. I put beer in quotation marks because this was so far from any beer I’ve ever had in my life. I like beer. I don’t particularly like Ethiopian beer but while I’m here it’ll do. My experience yesterday made me thank god for Ethiopian beer. I tried both the distilled beer and one that hadn’t been distilled yet. Oh boy…………

The one that hadn’t been distilled looked like a vegetable (leaves and grass in particular) smoothie. The wonderful mother asked me to let it sit for 20 minutes so that the sediment could make it’s way to the bottom……think about that….. It was so rough. I honestly would never drink a day in my life if that were my only option.

Next was the distilled beer. They distill it for about a week and then it’s ready to go. This one was a golden green color. No carbonation. Less sediment. Tasted NOTHING like any beer I’ve ever had, but it was better than the first. Ethiopians are incredibly generous, so they kept refilling my glass until I literally had to leave.

Never thought I'd say this but thank god for Ethiopian beer!!!

Look at the color of this "beer" I'm holding........

At Azaikow Village #1 enjoying local "beer'

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